Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tarek Fatah Loses It!

Tarek Fatah is a co-host on the show Friendly Fire on the station NewsTalk 1010. He acts as a sort of a 'liberal' balance.

On the Michael Coren show, he was a member of a panel that happened to discussed a pretty straightforward issue: Women's shelters should not be used as a refuge from the law, immigration law in this particular debate.

Pretty simple, I think. Illegal immigrants should not be able to hide from the law. This discussion was not about immigration policy or immigration, simply about equal-handed law enforcement.

So what's Tarek conclusion? Xenophobia, bigotry and right-wing conspiracy.

I generally had a more favourable reputation of Tarek from the few opportunities when I did hear him on the radio. But this is just ridiculous. He refuses to discuss the issue at hand and resorts to throw poisonous accusations at everyone who disagrees with him. He also made the country that accepted him, as an immigrant, fairly kindly, appear as some hotbed for bigotry or racism.
Is it inconceivable to Tarek that many Canadians, immigrants such as myself included, are worried about abuses in immigration law?


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